


Written by Brian Clemens
Produced by John Sichel
Directed by Alan Gibson
(tx date May 19, 1973)
fr: Des idées dans la tete
Betty Drew is convinced she has committed a murder. Her confession, though, fails to impress the local police since the body cannot be found.

Betty Drew ist überzeugt, einen Mord begangen zu haben. Die Polizei jedoch kann mit ihrem Geständnis recht wenig anfangen, denn die Suche nach einem Opfer bleibt ergebnislos.
Kein Überflieger wie die Vorgänger, aber solide Arbeit.
Rating: ***
Richard Johnson (George Drew), Zena Walker (Betty Drew), Donald Gee (Tom Patterson), Ronald Radd (Superintendent Terson), Robert Dorning (Doctor Sammers), Christina Greatrex (Jill Pembury), Anthony Boden (Sergeant Frost), David Lampson (Police Constable Peters).
Wardrobe Supervisor Sheelagh Killeen Make-up Supervisor Marie Roche Film Cameraman (uncredited) Film Editor (uncredited) Senior Cameraman Dai Higgon Sound Director Bob Woodhouse Senior Vision Control Jim Reeves VTR Editor (uncredited) Music Coordinator (uncredited) Music Laurie Johnson Lighting Director Dickie Stelp Designer Bryan Holgate Stage Manager Mary Douglass Vision Mixer Mary Forrest.

*re-assembled from available on-screen credits
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